Universal Life Insurance
 (Permanent Insurance)

Coverage is for life
Premium is transferred in investment account and insurance charges are taken from there
Waiver of premium options can be added
Term rider and Accidental Death Benefit can be added
Children's term insurance rider can be included
Insure yourself only, Joint-First-to-Die, Joint-Last-to-Die choices available 
Premiums have minimum and maximum limits, choose as is convenient to you 
Can receive guaranteed bonus
Cash value is used to continue the plan 
Premium holiday can be enjoyed

Has many options for investment
Tax-shelter growth
Creditor proof aspects
Cash value can be taken as policy loan or used as collateral
Cash value can be used for any financial goal
Can borrow 90% of cash value
Benefits may be transferred tax free to the beneficiary
Offers Level death benefit, increasing death benefit and indexed death benefit
Costs are guaranteed
Gives choices of guaranteed pay or go with investment and its return
Protects your estate

For further information or to clarify any point
email: asif@asifjaved.com